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The Screening Game Offense
with Coach Bob Martin

Level The Playing Field Against More Athletic Teams
With This Screen Happy Offense That Defenses HATE

Introducing A High-Scoring Motion Offense

Very simply put, The Screening Game is a Unique, Free-Flowing Offense that:

  • Allows you to play the tempo (fast or slow) that best fits your team
  • Provides specific rules for each role to help players think less and play faster
  • Allows FREEDOM for players to make reads that are unpredictable and tough to guard with an attacking style of basketball!
  • Breaks down defenses with constant screening actions ballside and weak side
  • Can be used against man or zone defenses
  • Places an emphasis on ball reversals and paint touches

Paint Touches & Ball Reversals Go Together Like Peas & Carrots

It's not rocket science. Analytics show two conclusive facts:

  1. More ball reversals = higher points per possession (ppp)
  2. Paint touches = higher points per possession (ppp)

In fact, a recent study shows:

  • No ball reversal or paint touch = .706 ppp
  • 1+ ball reversals = .935 ppp

And look what happens if you get a ball reversal AND a paint touch on the possession:

  • 1+ ball reversal AND a paint touch = 1.189 ppp

That is why The Screening Game Offense places a premium on getting quick ball reversals and getting a paint touch before any 3-point attempts.

You will score more efficiently and win more games with this proven strategy!

A Genius Offensive That Blends Bobby Knight, Dick Bennett, & Don Meyer

Coach Martin borrowed offensive concepts and philosophy from 3 legendary coaches, until he cooked up a Championship Offense - The Screening Game.

You see by blending together...

  • One part Bobby Knight
  • Sprinkle of Dick Bennett
  • Dash of Don Meyer

Coach Martin created a high-scoring offense that is downright nasty and nearly impossible to defend!

Meet The Master...Coach Martin

Coach Martin spent 20+ years studying, learning, and creating a motion offense with the goal of bringing a championship to his team... mission accomplished!

In just the past 5 years with The Screening Game, Coach Martin's teams have:

  • 90-32 Overall Record
  • Kings Ridge HS State Runner Up in Georgia '22
  • Kings Ridge HS State CHAMPIONS in Georgia '23
  • Averaged 15+ Assists per game in state title run
  • Shooting % - Top 3 in the state for 5 years (39% from 3 in 2023)
  • Offensive rebounds on 37% of their shot attempts
  • Led Pickens HS to 21 wins in his 1st season (Most wins in 25 years)

And coaches have taken notice as the honors begin to stack up!

  • Class 1A Private Coach Of The Year '20-'21
  • Pinholster Award '21-'22
  • Georgia Basketball Coaches Association Coach Of The Year Region '21-'22
  • Atlanta Tip-Off Club Coach Of The Year '21-'22
  • Sandy Spiel Coach Of The Year '22-'23
  • Coach Of The Year Region 7 '23-'24

Freedom Within A Discipline Framework

Enough freedom to confuse defenses, yet enough discipline to produce high-quality shots.

Freedom is good... but too much can be bad, at least on the basketball court!

Many coaches will tell you that freedom without any structure or framework can be disastrous!

Putting 5 players on the court without roles or rules and saying "Go make plays" often ends in failure for the team and you! It causes:

  • Players' indecisiveness (too many options)
  • Player overthinking (analysis paralysis)
  • Slow play (players think, think, think - instead of react and attack!)

Let's face it, most teams cannot keep 5 high-IQ players on the court at all times who can effectively attack a defense without some sort of framework.

So how do you create a high IQ offense that can attack at a fast pace?

Well, Coach Martin has done that by creating an offensive system with...

  • Simple Roles
  • Simple Rules
  • Simple Framework

As a result, players can play at a frenetic pace, have freedom to make plays, and keep constant pressure on the defense!

In The Screening Game, every player knows if they are:

  • A Cutter
  • A Screener
  • A Cutter/Screener Combo

And players learn the simple rules of their role.

Get All Players on the Same Page

Why are defined roles so important?


...unless no one knows what they're supposed to do!

5 Reasons Defining Roles Will Help You Win More Games With Better Offense

  1. Clarity - Everyone wants to know exactly what their role is on the team, from players to coaches to managers.

    Defining roles for players provides them with clarity, faster play, and narrows their focus...but doesn't take away their freedom on the court!
  2. More Awareness - By knowing their teammates' roles, players know where their teammates will be and what their actions will be.

    For example, cutters aren't looking to screen, they are setting up their defender to be screened.

    They know the screen is coming and have a good idea who will be setting it!
  3. Better Reps - By repping these roles in practice, players' reads become easier. They've seen similar action hundreds if not thousands of times.

    Screeners become highly effective at setting screens at great angles, slipping screens with impeccable timing, or opening up for a 3 off the screen.

    They know what the defense will do before the defense does it!
  4. More Confidence - Players are more comfortable in their actions and have less guesswork on what to do. This leads to success... and SUCCESS breeds CONFIDENCE!
  5. Better Communication - Why? Your players gain confidence on the court, and confidence on the court always leads to better communication between players.

Basketball Offense At Its Finest!
Screening + Passing + Spacing + Movement = High Scoring Offense

The screening game is:

  • Sharing the ball
  • Constant screening actions and motion
  • Fast, precise passes with great spacing
  • Perpetual movement on offense
  • Creating advantages from screening actions that get all players open

In other words, it is basketball at its finest!

Coach Martin doesn't overcomplicate things with 50 screening actions-he keeps it simple. 90% of the screening actions consist of:

  • Down screens
  • Back screens
  • Flare screens

8 More Benefits Of The Screening Game

  1. Less Dribbling & More Scoring→
  2. If you enjoy watching players pound the ball into the ground, this offense may not be for you.

    The Screening Game puts the emphasis on passing and sharing the ball. It is not complicated. Most of your team's shots will consist of:

    • A catch and shoot in rhythm 3's
    • Rip and go drive to the rim
    • Dive to the rim for a layup
    • Jump shots from the nail
    • Flare screen 3's
    • Offensive putbacks
    • Slips for open layups

    These are all very high percentage shots!

  3. The Best Shooters Take The Most Shots→
  4. Coach Martin's opponents have told him that his offense is very communal, meaning the ball is shared by everybody.

    Does this mean shots are equal in this offense?

    No. Coach Martin teaches you how to chart shots and use this data so the team knows which players should get a higher percentage of shots.

    The BALL is shared equally... but the best shooters take the most shots!

  5. Constant Pressure On Defenses→
  6. Make one defensive mistake on a screen, and you will pay against this offense. A mistake will happen-maybe not on the first or second screen, but by the third or fourth.

    There is absolutely no time to rest on defense. Your head is on a swivel, always looking for the next screen. Not a fun offense to defend!

  7. Develop High IQ Players→
  8. Coach Martin's drills are designed to develop high IQ players. You will build the offense from 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 to 5v5.

    As the season progresses, you'll see players making high-level decisions and learning to play conceptual basketball.

    You'll see players take ownership of the offense. Your hard work in practice will pay off and you'll be able to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor come game time.

  9. High Scoring, Fast-Paced, Fun→
  10. Make no mistake, The Screening Game is a fast-paced offense that flows directly from a fast-paced transition system (which Coach Martin shares with you). The Screening Game allows you to play a fast, uptempo style that:

    • Players love
    • Parents love
    • Fans love

    ...And you just might enjoy the success that comes with it as well.

  11. Rebounding Advantage→
  12. With this system, you'll see proven rebounding success. Coach Martin teaches:

    • Precise rebounding positioning
    • How to position screeners so they are in great rebounding position almost all of the time
    • Constant movement and screening make players tough to box out
    • How to use tip-ins during shooting drills to improve rebounding success
  13. No One is Pigeon Holed - Screeners Score Too→
  14. Roles are assigned to players, but don't let the names fool you. Screeners and cutters have freedom and are coached to make high IQ basketball plays.

    Screeners are often some of the leading scorers in this offense, because, as most coaches know, the player setting the screen is usually the one most open.

  15. Defense's Nightmare With Constant Screening→
  16. Constant down screens, flare screens, and back screens are a defense's nightmare. It is physically and mentally exhausting for defenders.

    The screening actions aren't just on the ball side; they are weak side. Meaning the weak side help defense is constantly occupied (and is unable to provide help defense)

    Not only do defenses eventually break down each possession, by the 4th Quarter they are worn down and shell shocked. Leading to easy buckets!

Less Telling → More Showing
An Absolute Teaching and Coaching Masterclass

Coach Martin doesn't just tell you what his teams have done in the past. He SHOWS you and TEACHES you on the court so you can achieve the same success with unique concepts he has learned over the years, including how to:

  • Shoot a higher percentage in games and ensure your best shooters get the most shots.
  • Become a dominant rebounding team through positioning and using tip-ins during shooting drills.
  • Create ultra-confident shooters and increase team shooting percentage through the 60% Rule.
  • Cut down on turnovers by proper passing techniques (when to use bounce vs. chest passes) and proper angles.
  • Play end-of-quarter/shot clock situations based on time: what to do at 12 seconds, 8 seconds, 4 seconds, and 2 seconds.
  • Gain the advantages of playing FIBA-style basketball in practices.

Here's What You'll Get in This Video & eBook Package:

Video #1 - Whiteboard Breakdown (26 Minutes)

  • Introduction to The Screening Game
  • Key Concepts
  • Benefits of Using The Screening Game
  • Tips for Success
  • The Screening Game Offense (Spots) vs. Zones

Video #2 - The Screening Game On-Court Action (2 Hours 26 Minutes)

  • Walkthrough 5v0
  • Live 5v5 Action
  • The Screening Game Warm-Up Drill
    • Getting Open
  • Screening Drills
  • Short-Sided Games
    • 2v2
    • 2v2 with Switching Defense
    • 3v3 Down Screen/Flare Screen
    • 4v4 FIBA Style
  • 4v4 Assigning Roles
  • The Screening Game 5v5
  • 9 Point Game
  • Green Light Shooting
    • 1 Dribble Kick
    • Drift
    • 45°
    • +1
  • Secondary Actions That Flow Into The Screening Game
    • DHO
    • DHO→Boomerang
    • Shallow
    • DHO→Ballscreen
    • Reversal→Ghost Screen
  • SLOBs
  • BLOBs
  • Half-Court Sets
  • The Screening Game Offense (Spots) vs. Zones

Video #3 - Transition Offense On-Court Action (55 Minutes)

  • Transition Offense 5v0
  • 4 Trips Transition Drill
  • 5v5 Transition
    • DHO
  • 3:30 Game
  • 90-90 Drill
  • Disadvantage Drill
  • Q&A
  • Closing

Buy Now & Get 3 Free Bonuses

Bonus #1 - Skill Development Drills (16 Minutes)

  • Cutting & Screening Skill Work
    • Straight Cut
    • Down Screen with Rip & Go
  • Ball Handling Skill Work
    • 2 Ball Dribbling Series
  • Shooting Skill Work
    • Northwestern Shooting Drill

Bonus #2 - Live Offense and Game Clips (1 Hour 15 Minutes)

  • See live game clips of ALL screening actions including flare screens, down screens, back screens, curls, and slips
  • Learn how rebounding practice strategies translate to more offensive boards in games
  • Learn how to effectively pick apart zones using The Screening Game
  • Learn BLOB and BLOB counter strategies to keep the defense off balance
  • See the 60% Rule in action and how it builds shooting confidence
  • Learn proper spacing and timing of players and screening actions
  • Coach Martin shows you clips of what the offense looks like after year 1 vs. 3+ years of running the system

Bonus #3 - Green Light Shooting System (25 Minutes)

  • Learn why Coach Martin's shooting system creates a 39% 3-point shooting team!
  • Learn how to use data to ensure your best players take the most shots
  • Uncover strategies that have guided Coach Martin's teams to 5+ years of being a top 3 shooting team in the state!

Plus 4 FREE eBooks!

Learn How To Effectively & Efficiently Implement The Screening Game Offense Now!

Get Instant Access for just $99!


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The Screening Game Offense is backed by our 60-day unconditional money back guarantee.

So take the next 60 days to look through the modules and implement some skills, drills, and concepts...

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Customer Reviews
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Rob P. from Wall , NJ
10/1/2024 at 4:09 PM
This is definitely a game-changer for this coming season and for any basketball coach looking to elevate their team's performance.

If you want to score more points and dominate the court, this strategy is a must-try! I also cant wait to implement the Greenlight shooting system.

Coach Bob Martin also does an incredible job presenting the system and is very easy to listen to / follow.
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Kevin F.
10/1/2024 at 1:16 PM

Coach Martin is SUPER detailed in his approach.

The product is packed with great content. From his motion offense, transition system to his rebounding strategies , to his Green Light Shooting System!

Plus tons of specials including how to run the Offense v. Zone!

Especially like seeing the live game clips of his team in action.

Thanks for sharing your complete offensive system.

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