The Breakthrough Basketball Newsletter for Coaches -- Issue #16: September 24, 2008

NEW Drills

4 Spot Fastbreak Shooting Drill

The Defensive Challenge Drill

Reduce Turnovers with the Back Up Dribble Drill

NEW Post Move Videos & Tips

Drop Step Move

Drop Step Counter Move

NEW Pre-Season Coaching Tips

This is a really helpful report that Don Kelbick put together. It was written as a pre-season guide for coaches, but it still provides valuable advice that you can apply during the middle of your season.

Chapter 1 - Putting Together Your Play Book (Choosing Your Offense & Defense)
Chapter 2 - Build Your Master Practice Schedule
Chapter 3 - Creating Practice Plans
Chapter 4 - Developing A Pre-Season Workout Program
Chapter 5 - Time Management Tips: How Do You Find Time To Teach Everything?
Chapter 6 - Getting Your Players Off To A Good Start and Excited For The New Season

NEW Fast Break Offenses Posted

Carolina Fast Break Offense

Suns Fast Break Offense

NEW Basketball Shooting Tips

21 Easy Ways to Improve Basketball Shooting Percentage

Top 5 Biggest Basketball Shooting Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)

NEW Product Reviews

Customers now have the ability to add reviews to our website so everyone can making informed decisions before they buy. If you have purchased any of our products, please add your reviews...

Or if you're curious about what people are saying about our products, check out the reviews here...

60 Fun Basketball Drills

Developing Man to Man Defense

Basketball Shooting Guide and Drills

Developing NEW Basketball DVDs

We're in the process of developing some basketball DVDs for players and coaches. We're in the planning stage right now and we want to know what type of DVDs are the most beneficial to YOU...

Please participate in this brief survey to help us develop better products for you.

Click Here to take survey

Let us know if you have any comments or questions...


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asi says:
9/25/2008 at 4:06:56 AM

thank you, your very helpfull.
Do you know what is the new DVD better basketball read & react is all about.
they talking about great system they have developed, any ideas?


Dan says:
9/25/2008 at 8:07:57 AM

Great Stuff!
Do you have a good youth zone offense play?
The age group is 7th and 8th grade.
It is a traveling team, so theses kids can handle a not so easy play. I would appreciate and thoughts and comments.


Joe Haefner says:
9/25/2008 at 10:31:34 AM

Hi Dan,

You can find zone plays on this page:

You can also find more zone plays in our free plays ebook. If you have not downloaded it, you can go here


javier Escudero says:
9/25/2008 at 5:17:52 PM

Thank you for of these lessons. I really enjoyed them.


dirk verhamme Belgium says:
9/26/2008 at 6:08:08 AM

In your post move drills (dropstep)

Do you dribble in between the legs on your drop step or where do you dribble?

Thanks for leaving a message.

Bye Dirk


Joe Haefner says:
9/26/2008 at 8:59:08 AM

Hi Dirk,

In the videos, we have posted, they do not use the dribble. However, there are drop-steps where you may use the dribble. To read more about it, visit:

We talk about the dribble in the comments below.


mario maiung says:
9/30/2008 at 4:06:44 AM

i am very grateful on this web of information, it really help me being a neophyte coach.


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