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PostPosted: 08 Dec 2020, 10:29 

Posts: 4
I'm coaching a 3rd grade boys team and we're having trouble taking care of the basketball. They catch and want to either immediately dribble or turn their back to the basket. Does anyone have any good, simple drills for a 3rd grade boys team to help with being strong with the ball? I've taught triple threat, rip through, pivot, jab step. Are there any drills that incorporate all of those concepts in one? Thanks!

PostPosted: 02 May 2021, 05:52 
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Sorry for the very late reply. Our system stopped sending us notifications a while ago so we missed a bunch of questions. It's probably a little late but....

I do have a drill that teaches all those things. We play a variety of no dribble games or we limits our dribbles. When the dribble is not an option, players have to be strong with the ball, use rips, use pivots, and you can use the "no dribble games" as a great tool to teach the concepts you have been practicing. This is when they really start connecting the dots. A few examples...

I generally start with drills like this:

Then we play no dribble passing games to further teach those pivoting, ripping, and triple threat concepts. I do a lot of teaching during the passing games and use coaching cues to get them using the skills in a live game.

Jeff Haefner

PostPosted: 02 May 2021, 19:28 

Posts: 4
Thanks for the reply! The season is over but I'll definitely be using some of your stuff next season.

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