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PostPosted: 22 Jan 2018, 18:52 

Posts: 4
Hey! I've always taught the off player to post above block, sit on the def knees and 'walk' them up or down the lane to create more space for the pass... is this not allowed anymore? There seems to be a lot more emphasis on off/def can't be moved once they have that spot. Plus the 'extended arm bar' etc.

I'm starting to see a lot more emphasis on off/def positioning and once they have est. that position they can't move each other. Is there a good video anywhere on what's allowed and not allowed now?


PostPosted: 23 Jan 2018, 12:50 
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Posts: 1280
It really depends on the league, location, and level you are playing. The specific rules and emphasis varies a fair amount. You might want to check with officials in your local league.

With that said, I have not seen any changes on how refs call post defense and offense where I coach in Iowa.

Generally speaking, almost no matter where you play, you usually get called for fouls when you put hands on or when you extend your arms (push off with hands or forearms) -- whether on offense or defense. This is why we teach our offensive and defensive players to use their hips. You can usually get away with a lot of you extend your hands straight out (letting the ref know you are not touching the other player at all with your hands) but use your hips. thighs, and butt to move your opponent around.

Jeff Haefner

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2018, 13:15 

Posts: 4
Thanks Jeff!

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2018, 16:10 

Posts: 900
Depends upon the refs and sometimes it could be due to the "points of emphasis" for that year. See #4 on this link for 2017-2018:


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