Competitive One on One Fast Break Drills - 1v1 Attack

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It is unfortunate that the game players play the most is also the least relevant to the game of basketball; "One-On-One."

Go past any schoolyard and you'll see two players playing one-on-one. Take the ball out on the top of the key, take 10-12 dribbles to back the opponent down to the basket and then try to shoot over him. That is the way 99% of all one-on-one games go. It builds bad habits, limits understanding of the game and erodes needed skills.

Below are some different one-on-one basketball drills that might do a better job of improving players' skills and help them reach playing objectives. These are also great drills to simulate fast break situations.

Here is a video clip of the drills from Don Kelbick's Transition Offense and 4-Second Fast Break DVD


Half Court 1v1 Attack

  1. Place 2 chairs just short of mid-court on the right side of the court.

  2. Players start on the baseline, opposite the chairs.

  3. The player on the outside has the ball.
  1. On "Go," both players take off at full speed. The player with the ball goes on the dribble, the player without the ball goes on the sprint.
  1. Both players go around the right side of the chair and head back toward the basket.
  1. Once headed back toward the basket, the player with the ball becomes offense and the player without the ball becomes the defense.

  2. Add a dribble limitation, such as 2 dribbles after turning on the chairs, to add effectiveness.

Full Court 1v1 Attack

  1. Place 2 chairs on the right side of the court, a little higher than the foul line extended.

  2. Place 2 more chairs on the other side of mid-court, just above the 28' marker (or above the coach's box.

  3. Players start on the baseline and the player on the outside has the ball.
  1. On "Go," both players take off. The player with the ball goes on the dribble, the player without the ball goes on the sprint.

  2. The players cross with the dribbler going around the inside chair and the player without the ball sprinting around the outside chair.
  1. Once the players clear the chairs, they cross again with the dribbler going around the outside chair and the player without the ball sprinting around the inside chair.
  1. Once clearing the chairs, the dribbler becomes the offensive player and the other player is the defensive player and the game is on.

  2. Add a dribble limitation, such as 2 dribbles after turning on the last chairs, to add effectiveness.

These basketball drills work on ball handling, explosiveness, decision making, defense in transition, finishing at the rim and are great conditioners. They are also high intensity and a lot of fun so players will enjoy them.

Related Pages & Helpful Resources

5 on 3 + 2 - Fast Break Drills
Attack Off of the Foul Shot - Foul Line Fast Break
How To Run The Basketball Fast Break Offense and Transition Offense - Philosophy, Offenses, Drills
Basketball Fast Break & Transition Drills - Full Court Drills

Want to learn how to build your fast break and transition offense step by step?

Don Kelbick's Transition Offense and the Four-Second Fast Break
This DVD shows you how to build your fast break and transition offense step-by-step, so you can easily teach it during practice. It will also show you how to seamlessly transition into your half court offense to keep the defense scrambling. As every great defensive coach will tell you, they play their best defense when they have their 5 players back. This DVD will show you how to take advantage of the defense when they're not set and currently in transition. It also includes many fast break and transition drills that build mentality, aggressiveness, decision-making, and basketball skills. This DVD is 110 minutes long and neatly organized ... (more info)

What do you think? Let us know by leaving your comments, suggestions, and questions...


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Mike Disharoon says:
11/10/2023 at 9:14:10 AM

Great drills for fast break and skills development.

  1 reply  

Dan Smith says:
11/25/2023 at 4:40:13 PM

Gotta love Kelbick eh, the guy really knows his stuff you can tell!


michael says:
7/22/2020 at 12:19:51 AM

thanks for the drills


Brandon E says:
8/15/2018 at 9:06:58 PM

I am an underlooked guard on my high school team. How do I get noticed more? What drills do I need to do to improve myself all-around?

  1 reply  

Ebuka nwaju says:
5/5/2015 at 5:06:07 PM

Nice drill! But how do you improve dribbling and perfect a lay-up? Need answers ASAP!

  1 reply  

Joe Haefner says:
5/5/2015 at 5:18:47 PM

This page has a lot of ball handling and dribbling tips:

Here are some tips for making lay ups:


Graham says:
4/6/2015 at 6:07:17 PM

Coaching at russell hoops camp for next 3 days. Will put this in tomorrow when we focus of the day is individual offence. We want the kids to have fun and play as much as possible in real game scenarios. So this drill is ideal and simple to explain. Was a bit concerned about the cris cross but I guess younger players could just run in straight lines for the full court drill past the two chairs and then play one on one...
Thanks Graham H


john mark says:
6/16/2014 at 12:11:03 PM

yes.... i like it not making contact, to focus on making a shot and preserve strength. i really like it coach more power to u^^


Kirk Olsen says:
1/28/2014 at 4:06:32 PM

The half court 1 vs 1 drill looks like it would be a good drill for my 3rd grade and 4 grade girls. With limited practice time, I would get dribbling, defense, and shooting in.

Is this a good drill for that age group?


Shawn Brown says:
7/17/2013 at 1:16:09 PM

One of the best drills to have the players learn to attack the basket.


Flip says:
6/8/2013 at 7:52:41 PM



Mike Morrison says:
8/29/2012 at 10:24:48 PM

The two dribble limitation is great because in all actuality a high school student can be on a fast break and take 3 dribbles and make it to the basket for a lay up. If you make them only take two dribbles it makes them make a decision very quickly and very efficiently. It also helps put these guys into thinking attack the rim because you only have 2 dribbles. This is a good drill especially for good athletes with poor fundamentals.


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