Advanced Shooting Workout - Make 2
This is an advanced workout from our Breakthrough Shooting eBooks and Audio package.
Instead of shooting the ball, you have to make the shot. It challenges you mentally, and it really makes you focus.
Warm Up:
30 Mikans
20 Form Shots (Wall or Line Shooting)
90 Grooves
Start approximately 8 feet away from the basket.
Make two shots facing the hoop stepping in with your right foot.
Make two shots facing the hoop stepping in with your left foot
Make two shots using a right pivot.
Make two shots using a left pivot.
You do NOT have to make two in a row. You just need to make two baskets before you move on.
Make 5 Free Throws.
Move back a couple of feet and do the same thing. You would now be shooting from 10 or 11 feet.
Shooting Range - Shots would come 8 feet, 10 feet, 12 feet, 14 feet and so on. If you have a long shooting range, you could move back three or four feet at a time.
Shooting Spots - You could shoot from 3 to 6 spots at the same shooting angle. On the last spot repeat a shot off the dribble.
Shooting Angles - Do this from 3 to 5 angles. Shooting angles could come from the wings, corners, and middle of the court.
The diagram shows the spots if you shoot from 4 spots at 5 angles.
If you're a beginner, I would start out with 3 spots from 3 angles. You can work your way up to shooting from more spots at more angles.
You can also vary on different days what type of footwork you would use. For example:
Day 1: Front Pivots
Day 2: Reverse Pivots
Day 3: Hops
If time restricts you to shoot all of the shots, you could:
- Make 1 shot, instead of two.
- Only shoot from 2 to 3 spots at each angle.
If you want a very challenging workout, you could require the shooter to make 2 in a row.
Count the number of shots you take and try to take fewer shots to complete the workout each time.
Related Resources
Breakthrough Shooting eBooks and Audio package
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