4-Line Full Court Shooting & Conditioning

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Categories: Games/Fun  Shooting  
Ages: All Ages  Youth  Middle School  High School+  

Purpose of the Drill:

This fun shooting game creates a team atmosphere because it makes the players work together to achieve a goal. It also conditions and demands focus. You can use this as a great way to liven up a practice or to end practice on a positive note.

This drill will work with a minimum of 6 players and a max of 20 players. With numbers less than 12, you could use just one side of the court.


  • You need two people to track the number of makes. One on each half of the court. You will combine the total at the end.
  • First person in each line has a ball.
  • On command, each person shoots the ball.
  • After the shot, each shooter sprints to get the rebound and passes it to the next person in line. Then, the shooter immediately sprints to the line on the other side.
  • The next shooter immediately shoots and repeats the process.

Points of Emphasis:

  • Demand good passes from the rebounders.
  • Make sure shooters are ready: hand target, knees bent, butt back, eyes up, fingers pointing to the ceiling.
  • Sprint. It's important that players sprint after their rebounds and sprint to the opposite side of the court.

Motivation/Teaching Tips:

  • You can change the goals however you would like. I like to start small and increase the goal as the season starts. Based on your team's skill level, you'll get a good feel for what your goals should be after running this drill once.
  • Here are some sample goals:
  • College - 130 in 4 minutes.
  • High School - 110 in 4 minutes.
  • Middle School - 80 in 4 minutes.
  • Youth - 50 in 4 minutes.
  • If you only have 2 lines instead of 4 lines, divide the goals by 2.

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lourenco Buque says:
8/26/2011 at 7:03:27 PM

Hi doin Joe and Jeff? I was away for quite time,but i''''m back. Good drill,i tryed sometimes,but you guys,i stiil try to rich my goals on the same drills tha u sent to me,good stuff,thats way i won the 2011 championship Under-19 girls.thanks,see u soon


Ray says:
8/24/2011 at 1:55:22 PM

You can also have them defensive slide to next line after rebound and pass.


Coach Harris says:
8/8/2011 at 2:51:07 PM

Nice drill. I especially like the savior free throw!


Simon says:
7/28/2011 at 7:08:48 PM

This drill is similar to a warm-up drill that Tom Maher uses with the Bulleen Boomers (Australian WNBL 2011 champions, including Liz Cambage and Rachel Jarry). Tom uses three lines parallel to the foul line extended with a ball at the head of each line. Each player at the head of the line shoots, follows up their shot, passes to the next person in their line, sprints to the half court line and then joins the back of the next line.

All the players keep count of the number of baskets by yelling out the score with each successful basket. Tom sets a target of 60 baskets in 2 minutes. If they don't achieve the target the team does a sprint, 5 push-ups or some other toke penalty but one player is selected to throw a free throw to 'save' the team from their punishment. The target should be hard but still achievable.

The 'saving free throw is probably the closest thing that you can get to game pressure on a free throw and is a great learning tool.

I think that the combined total works really well because the whole team are working towards the goal but if you have more than about 12-15 players you could split in half and run at both ends to ensure that the lines are short and there is minimal standing around in line waiting for your turn. Then one or both groups can make or miss the target or the first to the target score wins and the others are penalised with the option for a player to 'save' them

We have used Tom's drill with 10 year old boys and two lines are OK if there aren't many players. The kids love it and there are usually fights over who will be allowed to be the one to 'save' the team.


justin says:
7/28/2011 at 4:25:57 PM

Or use dribble goggles to basket to basket


justin says:
7/28/2011 at 4:25:29 PM

Also, you can have them each with their own ball, set up some cones to dribble through as they travel basket to basket (instead of running)


Lock Goldberg says:
7/28/2011 at 1:21:59 PM

Great drill that you can improve with following your shot & put back if missed. In that case a shot counts 1 point or if if it is scored on 1st shot, it counts 2 points.


will blackmon III says:
7/28/2011 at 12:12:20 PM

Does the first shot come from the base line?


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