Breakthrough Basketball Newsletter:
Holiday Gifts - 29 Drills and 18 Plays For You

December 23rd, 2021

Hey, don't know if you had a chance to see any or all of our recent new YouTube videos, but they each came with a free PDF that contained bonus drills, plays, moves, and workouts that were not included in the videos...

And I wanted to make sure you have access to these eBooks if you want them.

Maybe just one will interest you...or maybe all of them.

My hope is that you will find something you can use...

Whether you're a coach, parent, or player (there's a Player Development section at the end of this email).

I'm also going to include links to each YouTube video - just in case you missed one and have some time to watch it.

Just FYI: the eBooks are content upgrades from the video offering you tools to implement the concepts...

Offensive & Rebounding Drills:

5 Motion Offense Drills: Improve Your Motion Fast

10 EASY Transition Offense Drills: Improve Your Team’s Ability to Score in Transition

5 Dribble Drive Offense Drills: Improve Your Offense with These EASY Drills

6 Rebounding Drills: Top Rebounding Drills with Practice Planss

Offensive Plays:

5 Ball Screen Plays: Must Have Ball Screens to Beat Switching Defenses

8 Zoom Action Plays & 3 Implementation Drills

5 Inbounds Plays: Gonzaga’s Brilliant BLOB Playbook

Player Development:

8 Downhill Attack Moves: With Workout Become a Better Transition Playmaker In Weeks

3 Ball Pick-Up Moves: With Workout to Become a More Efficient Playmaker in the Lane

Happy Holidays and hope you enjoy the eBooks!

All the Best,

-Joe Haefner
Breakthrough Basketball