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December 1st, 2015

How To Defend The Ball Screen (With Drill)

If you don’t properly defend the ball screen, the opposing team will get unlimited high-percentage shots via dribble penetration, the screener rolling to the basket, and passing out to open shooters if the defense collapses. If you don’t defend this situation properly, one little play can destroy your ...

Man To Man Defense Video - Step-By-Step Instruction - Over 50+ Drills

30% Discount Ends Sunday, December 6th

This DVD set will show you exactly how to build the defense from the ground up and has over 50 drills. After you watch the DVD set, there is no empty feeling that leaves you thinking, "That sounds great. But now what do I do? How do I actually develop the defense? What are the teaching points?"

We document everything in the DVD step-by-step with critical teaching points. And we even provide bonus eBooks to help guide you through the process.
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