Simple Trick to Improve Your (or Your Team's) Shooting Confidence

As we all know, confidence is required to be a good shooter. However, most basketball coaches feel that it's terribly difficult to improve your player's confidence.

Believe it or not, this is something you can control (to a degree)...

The following technique which we refer to as "Grooving Your Shot" will give you some control and allow you to improve your team's shooting confidence.

Every day before or during practice, have your players shoot 50, 6 foot jump shots. No movement. Just catch and shoot. grooving-shot (11K)

Chart the number of shots they make and do this almost every day.

Guess what happens?

Your players will see themselves improve.

If you practice just a little, it's not very hard to make 6-8 foot jump shots. And you're players will regularly hit 75% or more of their 6 foot jump shots. They swish shot after shot. Nice and smooth

They will also see on paper that they have improved and that they shoot a very high percentage.

You'll notice that players will start to change their mentality. As an example, if a player misses two shots in a row, they'll think "Whoa, I missed two in a row? That's not like me!"

It's a whole different mindset.

So if you're a coach, try this technique and you'll improve the confidence of your players and help them increase their shooting percentage!

I'll bet this was something you never thought you could control. Now you can!

Allocate some time every day, whether it's before practice or during.

To learn more about improving your shot, we recommend...

Baden 28.5" Shooting Basketball

Baden Heavy Training Basketball - 29.5'

Baden 35" Oversized Training Basketball

Rapid Fire - II - Basketball Rebounding/Return Device

Breakthrough Basketball Shooting - Drills, Workouts, & Guide


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Garrett Murphy says:
12/9/2014 at 4:14:22 PM

I going to throw in a little trick I learned; I read that this came from some college coach somewhere, and every time I've done it with somebody, their shooting confidence has soared, and normally I see a good 5% increase in shooting percentage (bearing in mind, I coach kids):
1) Get a ladder
2) Get two basketballs
3) Put ladder under a basket with your players watching
4) Climb the ladder
5) Put both balls inside the rim AT THE SAME TIME.
Even NBA-size (29.5") will fit into the rim side-by-side with just a slight squeeze.
Your players will flip when they realize how big the hoop actually is.

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Jeff Haefner says:
12/6/2012 at 10:10:41 AM

You don't have to tell them anything but I generally tell players the reason why we do thing to get them to buy in. I usually tell them it does help with their confidence and teach players "how to practice" on their own (form shoot to build muscle memory, start in close and work your way out, incorporate game shots, shooting the same way always, etc).


Gary says:
12/6/2012 at 8:44:07 AM

Hey There Jeff, As a fairly new coach, do i tell the kids, 7th grade, that this drill is to improve their confidence? Or do I just have them run it as a shooting drill and leave it at that. Also, I have one problem with this site. It made me realize how little I actually new about basketball, but learning every day thanks to you! Gary


Jim says:
3/14/2012 at 10:05:19 AM

We only have two baskets and 12 players, so we use three shooters at each basket, shooter changes lines after each shot - all the players get lots of shots that way.


Joe Haefner says:
2/6/2009 at 11:53:42 AM

Hi Frank,

It's 50 per player. It doesn't take that long, especially if you use a partner.

You can also have them switch every 10, 25, or whatever or shoot a few less like you mentioned.


frank higgins says:
2/6/2009 at 11:02:33 AM

is it 50 shots per player or team. not enough gym time for 50 per player. i guess you can knock shots off of each player?


zahed says:
5/31/2008 at 2:02:13 AM

thank you


bb king says:
5/30/2008 at 5:37:45 AM

yo yo yo comeon try beat me fools na im kiddin nice tip bra!


Joe Haefner says:
5/28/2008 at 1:00:08 PM

You can vary the shooting angles or positions.


harold says:
5/28/2008 at 12:51:19 PM

do they shoot at one station or do they vary their positions


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