5 Best Downhill Basketball Moves to Blow By Your Defender in Transition

Home > Player > Basketball Skills > 5 Best Downhill Basketball Moves to Blow By Your Defender in Transition
If you are a guard, it's important to know these TOP 5 Downhill Basketball Moves to help you blow past your defender in transition to score or make plays for your teammates.

Make sure to take note of all the small details throughout the video clips on each move so you can learn how to do these moves correctly and at game speed.

Each video clip highlights game footage of some Elite Downhill Scorers who use these basketball moves to get past their defenders to score...

All 5 of these downhill basketball moves will help you attack the basket in transition and finish at the rim...

Now, let's take a look at the 5 Best Downhill Basketball Moves that you should be working on:

Move #1 - Turn Dribble Jab

The Turn Dribble Jab is a great move to use when the defense is in transition and isn't ready. It is a relatively simple move but the details are important...

You want to make sure your hand on top of the ball to avoid carrying it, that will be aided with a jab. Make sure to jab at the defenders top foot when you make the move, always starting the move 3-4' from the defender.

Move #2 - Push Cross

The Push Cross can be used off the same set-up in the isolation or potentially a manuever off of a drag screen.

There are lots of types of cross-overs, but with the Push Cross we are trying to keep contact with the ball all the way across our body. You need to use a torso turn and should twist to help you avoid carrying the ball.

As you approach the defense you will drop your feet wide and throw the ball to the baseline with an abrupt move, accelerating as you make the move.

It is important to have counters with this move, just in case a defender comes to cut you off.

Move #3 - Heavy Step Through

The next option in the downhill transition is going to be a Heavy Step Through.

Show big movements with your torso side to side to try to get them to bite, and then transition through to get the angle to get past the defender and make a play at the rim.

Remember as you approach the defender to take a low and hard step, keeping your torso forward and transition through.

Move #4 - Cross Jab

The Cross Jab is used by a ton of elite players these days. It is a simple move yet highly effective but the details are important.

With this move you will switch hands like a cross-over while keeping your upper body motionless. The ball will go across your body and then you need to punch with your torso, leg and hand with that jab outside the defenders foot and initiate the blow by!

Move #5 - Hang Dribble Hesi

The Hang Dribble Hesi will help you get downhill with the threat of shooting. When you show the shot fake, you need to make sure you simulate the shot with your feet ready and your hands need coming to the ball to create a hand shadow.

But instead of picking it up to shoot, you drop the ball and get downhill. This drop can be a drop cross, a push, or drop through... check the video for details.

The goal is to shift or lift the defender.

Make sure when you practice these moves you are going at game-speed!

Ready to PRACTICE these downhill moves?

Download our FREE Downhill Attack Basketball Workout featuring these 5 moves plus 3 BONUS finishing moves to attack the basket... this basketball workout will provide you with the details you need to TAKE YOUR DOWNHILL FINISHING MOVES to the next level and score more points!

Related Pages and Helpful Resources:

30 Competitive Game-Like Skill Building Drills
Improve Your Ability To Finish At The Rim With The Corner Finishing Drill
How To Make Basic Lay Ups and Finish At The Goal
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Miniw says:
7/19/2023 at 10:57:52 PM

The movements in his videos are very easy to understand, thank you for sharing it.


bloxorz says:
7/4/2023 at 3:12:17 AM

Thanks for sharing the best downhill basketball moves. it's very helpful for a basketball novice like me


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