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PostPosted: 15 Dec 2019, 14:29 

Posts: 2
I hope this isn't a doubled topic, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I coach a women's team in Germany (ages 15-62...nope, not a typo). It is a competitive team, although the level is upper-intermediate. There are several "experienced" players and a handful of younger players. My problem is that nearly all of the players feel they deserve more playing time. I, however, disagree. Firstly because there aren't enough minutes in the game and secondly because there are a couple of strong players who carry the team and need to be on the floor for us to be successful.
Being a German system, the ladies are paying members of the sports club and therefore deserve some measure of playing time. I, on the other hand, have been tasked with getting the most out of our team, namely promotion through the leagues. Last season, my first with the team, we were promoted to the next league. This season, we are running in the middle of the pack. All in all, I feel that things are going the table.
The problem is with playing time and their attitudes towards the team and my philosophy of basketball - I preach an entirely selfless style of play where the offense is based on screening away to free up our teammates and our defense is the Pack Line. In principle, the ladies think this is a great style of play. However, the young ones don't have the basketball IQ to do this properly (yet), and the older ones have been playing their outdated style of play for so long that they are stuck in their "me first" thinking.
I am admittedly stubborn and I will not give up on my style of play. So, my question (finally) is how do I get them to buy into this philosophy on a practical level and stop worrying about their personal stats, playing time and getting their points?
Thank you for any and all input.

Coach Keith

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2019, 18:14 

Posts: 900
A lot of stuff to unpack in that post, couple of clarifying questions and a thought.

1) How are the teams formed? In other words, do you choose your players or is it random?

2) Are there any guidelines in this sports club with regards to playtime? Are there any statements or philosophies by the sports club regarding this league?

Right out of the gate, I'm guessing that the playtime issue probably has to do with the ladies having to pay a fee to play in the league. So, they could feel entitled to get their "money's worth" so to speak. It's a bit too late for this now, but playtime (along with other things) is usually addressed upfront by the coach. Usually during a meeting before the first practice begins. Something along the lines of, "As your coach, this is what I expect from you and what you can expect from me during the season". Things like playtime are usually addressed there along with other philosophies and logistics.

You have a bit more unconventional situation as most youth leagues have a fee that is covered by the parents.

Could have a meeting now and clarify your position on playtime and what you expect on the court.

Jeff may have more insight.


PostPosted: 16 Dec 2019, 04:09 

Posts: 2
Thanks for the quick reply! To answer your questions:
1) As coach of the third team of three, I get no choice in who makes the team....the leftovers so to speak. The first team has tryouts, second team is selected from the remaining players and the rest end up on the third team.
2) To the best of my knowledge, there are no rules or guidelines for playing time. Unlike our junior programs, the goal for out competitive adult teams is to win games and move up in the league.
At the beginning of each season, we have a discussion about my philosophies and the expectations I have and that they have.. I also send out a couple files with my belief system clearly outlined and how decisions will be made regarding playing time and other topics.
I think a new meeting is in order, but I am afraid my current mood on the topic might be less than understanding. This is not a new topic for us and I admittedly don't empathize with them, having grown up in a system where we busted our asses to make the team and worked even harder to stay there, regardless of playing time. But I think this is part of the problem...they have not earned their spots on the team, they bought them, so to speak, and therefore feel entitled to playing time.
I thought about playing our next game 5 on 5 off as a lesson in humility, but I don't want to waste a league game just to make a point. I am really torn at this point to play the hard line or give in and let them all play, regardless of the outcome....but the latter is really not my style, I want to win!
Thanks again for the feedback....if any other coaches have something to add, I would be glad to hear it.

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