Utilize Three Ball Drills for Advanced Guards
When working out advanced guards there is always the challenge of keeping things fresh for the players. Your advanced players are almost always your hardest workers and at times need you to change up your drill series. By incorporating three ball dribbling drills you allow for creativity from the players while also challenging their skill level. When doing this three ball series I focus on the following:
Encourage creativity from the players
Peripheral vision (always locating the third ball)
Ball Quickness
Instructions for Three Ball Drills:
I usually do this drill in the center circle but it can be done anywhere on the court.
Give one player three basketballs and have them try and maintain three bouncing basketballs at all times. Players will start by dropping one and dribbling the other two, they will constantly be changing which two of three basketballs they are dribbling.
As players get more advanced they will incorporate two ball dribble moves into this series (high-low, crosses, between legs changes etc...). Players should go for an allotted time or until one of their basketballs stop bouncing. If doing this drill with a less advanced player you may need to help start one of the three basketballs for the player to help them get going.
For really advanced players change the air level in one of the basketballs (over inflate or under inflate).
Also, for really advanced players use weighted basketballs for this drill (over inflate the weighted basketballs).
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