Basketball Drill: McHale Lay Ups

Home > Coaching > Drills > Rebounding > Basketball Drill: McHale Lay Ups
Drill Purpose

Improves rebounding, change of direction, lay ups, and explosive jumping.

Video Demonstration

Written Instructions

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  1. 2 balls are needed for this drill.

  2. Place a chair on the right elbow with a ball on the seat.

  3. Player has a second ball and starts on the right side of the backboard.

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  1. Player jumps continuously and bangs the ball on the backboard 3 times. On the 4th jump, player puts the ball in the basket (after scoring, that ball goes out of play. If a coach or a 2nd player is available, he should pick up the ball. If not, let the ball roll out of play).

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  1. Player then immediately cuts up the lane, inside the chair.

  2. Player cuts around the chair, scoops the 2nd ball off the chair.

    Note: In the video, the player cuts to the chair, instead of around the chair..

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  1. Player drives for a 1 dribble layup.

  2. Repeat the drill as many times as you feel necessary. I usually go 5 times.

  3. Take drill to the left side.


  • Increase number of backboard bangs
  • Mandate a specific type of shot for the score (hook, dropstep,etc)
  • Take a jump shot with the second ball instead of a layup.
  • Back-peddle from the backboard to the chair.
  • Cut outside the chair to the inside for shot.
Points of Emphasis

  • Get as high on the backboard as you can.
  • Bang the ball on the board as hard as you can.
  • Explode off the chair. The drive to the basket should be hard, as if the player has to go through the defense to score.
  • Use as little rest as possible between repetitions. Drill is a great conditioner.

Solutions and Resources

For Coaches - How To Teach The Attack and Counter System

For Training - 300+ Drills | 80+ Workouts - Attack and Counter Workout App

Do you have any questions or suggestions for this drill? Let us know by leaving your comments...


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amanj says:
10/4/2007 at 2:48:29 AM

its good


Kurt Dingman says:
10/5/2007 at 5:52:37 AM

THis looks like a great drill. THank you for all the information that you send.


Ferri J says:
10/5/2007 at 10:39:30 PM

I would like try this drills in my team.thank you


Daniels LILPAK says:
10/6/2007 at 1:32:08 PM

this is great, watch out for we Nigerian guys after mastering this guys are doing a great job keep it up


serkancoachturkey says:
10/14/2007 at 3:00:00 PM

full thanks.thank you very much.ý don't speak english.
ý have a two teams
1.young team 1990 (born)
2.little team 1995 (born) its great team very strong.ý guess to be future turkey champions.
türkçe bilen bir arkadaþ bulabilirseniz bende türkiye basketbolu hakkýnda bilgi sahibi olmanýzda seve seve yardýmcý olurum.
ý love game and ý love job.bye bye


wilson says:
10/22/2007 at 1:59:07 AM

The skill is great if you watch the Nigerian and Angolan teams. They re great on this system. Hope to teach it to my team. Compliments to you joe. My team lifted the national championship for the first time in the history of the game! thanks to yo skills. keep on posting those articles. you have no idea the extent of good that your work has done t revolutionize African basketball. An what you would consider an rural African coach but the skills startled the 'town' guys.


Marlon says:
11/24/2007 at 9:31:08 AM

I've got 2 big guys (middle school) and this drill will be perfect for them


new coach says:
7/22/2008 at 11:37:14 AM

can the players do this drill if they are able to hit the backboard yet


Joe Haefner says:
7/22/2008 at 1:05:25 PM

If they can not hit the backboard, just have them do the same motion while jumping. They should try to get high on each jump.


Jim in Maine says:
7/22/2008 at 1:05:30 PM

Hi from the great state of Maine.
New Coach I would suggest you run the drill as described but have your kids pound the ball on the wall behind the hoop as high as they are able. They can still shoot the layup with the 2nd ball. I have found that kids can really improve their jumping ability over time using this drill. Thanks, Jim in Maine


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