Fast Break "Pass and Replace" Drill

Home > Coaching > Drills > Passing > Fast Break "Pass and Replace" Drill

"Pass and Replace" is a terrific multi-purpose basketball drill that will help players improve their passing, pivoting, finishing and is a great conditioner as well.


  1. Position 4 players on the sides of the court, approximately 28' from each endline. There should be a player on both sides of the court and on each half of the court.

  2. The rest of the team should be equally divided and in a line under each basket.

  3. There should be a ball in each line.

  1. The drill starts with the players with the balls passing, to the right, to the player at the 28' marker.

  2. The passer then sprints to replace the player he passed to.

  1. The receiver pivots and passes to the next player at the 28' marker on the other half of the court.

  2. The passer then sprints to replace the player he passed to.

  1. The receiver pivots and drives to the basket and tries to score on a 1 dribble lay-up.

  2. The same action works on the other side of the court at the same time.

  1. The next player in the line under the basket grabs the rebound, passes to the next player on the 28' marker and starts the action again.

We run this drill for 5 minutes with a goal of 100 made lay-ups. Each time we make the goal, we increase the goal by 4 made lay-ups. The drill can be run for more or less time and you can add a third or even a fourth ball. Adjust your goal appropriately.

You can improve the effectiveness of the drill by using particular passes (overhead, bounce, etc.) and pivots (drop step, front pivot, etc.) and direction of turn (inside, outside). You can use one set (overhead pass, drop step pivot, outside turn) for the whole drill or you can actually change one or more of the elements each minute.

Related Pages & Helpful Resources

Basketball Fast Break & Transition Drills - Full Court Drills
Competitive One on One Fast Break Drills - 1v1 Attack
Fast Break Basketball Offense - Phoenix Suns
How To Run The Basketball Fast Break Offense and Transition Offense - Philosophy, Offenses, Drills

Recommended DVDs

Don Kelbick's Transition Offense and the Four-Second Fast Break
This DVD shows you how to build your fast break and transition offense step-by-step, so you can easily teach it during practice. It will also show you how to seamlessly transition into your half court offense to keep the defense scrambling. As every great defensive coach will tell you, they play their best defense when they have their 5 players back. This DVD will show you how to take advantage of the defense when they're not set and currently in transition. It also includes many fast break and transition drills that build mentality, aggressiveness, decision-making, and basketball skills. This DVD is 110 minutes long and neatly organized ... (more info)

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Joe Haefner says:
1/15/2014 at 8:08:07 AM

Thanks, Bill! It is fixed.


Bill says:
1/14/2014 at 11:39:55 PM

The numbered steps shown for this drill are mixed up. Steps 9 and 10 should follow step 2 and be tied to the second diagram, with steps 3 through 8 all shifted down one diagram.


Joe Haefner (Co-Founder of Breakthrough Basketball) says:
4/11/2008 at 10:12:21 AM

Hi Frank,

The reason you see so many isolation plays in the NBA is that these players have extraordinary one on one skills. In today's NBA game, it's very difficult to stop somebody one on one. Also, they don't have enough time to pass the ball around and take their time to find an open shot. They have to attack and find the open man.

There is not a magic play or offense. You can use misdirection/counter plays to fool a defense, but for the most part... you have to have the PLAYERS with FUNDAMENTALS that can read a defense and execute a play if needed.

You an find more plays at this link:

If you haven't already, you can also sign up for our free plays ebook at this link:

Hope that helps.


Frank says:
4/10/2008 at 11:33:37 PM

Here's a both a comment and a question.In the NBA when there is less than 15 seconds left in the game the team with the ball calls time out to set up a play.The only play most of them call for is an isolation play where the man with the ball dribbles while the other four stand there and do absolutely nothing.The man with the ball ends up taking a 25 foot shot as time winds down.Do you have any plays for when you need a quick hoop whether the end of a game or just a basket when you haven't scored in a while?


Jeff says:
2/22/2008 at 8:54:57 AM


Here are more resources for you:

How to Dunk a Basketball:

Shooting Free Throws:

Extending range and developing a three point shot:


Joe (Co-founder of Breakthrough Basketball) says:
2/21/2008 at 11:04:00 AM

For more player development articles & drills, you can visit this page:


lans says:
2/19/2008 at 2:08:55 PM

pls give me some drills on how to dunk and free throw and three point?


Wilson says:
2/18/2008 at 6:39:00 AM

This is an everyday drill on my court with my boys. Effective and reduces on overbouncing and encourages passing to mates with ease and effectiveness in ball handling.


Tiffany says:
2/12/2008 at 11:26:30 AM

we have a similar drill called Princeton, but I like how this incorporates passing up to another player and dribbling, we used the same 4 passers for the whole drill...THANKS!


Rick Anderson says:
2/12/2008 at 9:05:41 AM

This is basically the MSU Layup drill which we use for warmups almost everyday


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