2v1 Fast Break Drill: Develops Better Ball Handling, Passing, Scoring, and Decision Making

Here's a great 2v1 drill to improve ball handling, passing, scoring, and decision making out of fast break advantage situations from the Youth Coaching System with Jim Huber.

Even though these are youth players in the video, it's great for all ages!

Drill Tips:

  • Attack and Think Lay Up!
  • We got this drill from Don Kelbick and we teach the same mentality. You want to force the ball handler to attack and try to get a lay up. The only reason they pass is that the defender stops the ball.

    Personally, I'm okay if the initial ball handler takes some bad shots. I think having an assertive, attacking mentality will create more good things than bad.

    This mentality will eventually lead to more open passes for his teammate, because the defense will realize that they have to commit and stop the ball.

  • 1 or 2 Pass Limit
  • You could even add a pass limit of 1 or 2. That way, it's more game-like and they're not going too slow.

  • Add a Countdown
  • You could also introduce a time limit. If I see going too slow, I usually start saying, "3, 2, 1... " and make a buzzer sound at zero. The kids actually enjoy it.

  • Make It 2v2 With a Trailing Defender

    It's also fun to add a trailing defender as another progression.

    You would simply add a 4th line somewhere in the middle of the floor. So you'd put a cone a little bit further in the middle of the court, so the trailing defender comes into the play a second or two later.

  • Change Offense and Defense Lines
  • I also will switch up which lines are defense and offense, so players experience attacking the basket from all angles in transition.

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Dan Smith says:
4/13/2024 at 4:38:48 PM

Good read & react drill to get accustomed to making the decision of whether to keep and finish or dish the ball off. I would use this for sure!


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