2-3 (2-1-2) Zone Basketball Defense


This zone is similar to the 2-3 zone that Jim Boeheim uses at Syracuse. This is can be a very effective zone defense, because it still covers the 3-point arc as well as the inside game.

Youth Coaches: Even though, you CAN win more games, AVOID playing any type of zone defense, because it can teach bad habits and hinder the long-term development of your players. Our advice would be to focus on Man to Man Defense. If you would like to read a detailed explanation of why we advise youth coaches to avoid zone defenses, click here.


  • This the original set on the 2-3 zone. The top two players will pinch towards the middle to stop dribble penetration.

  • Pass to the Wing:

    Player 4 comes up to stop the outside shot and dribble penetration. Player 1 hustles over to the wing to guard the ball. Player 2 slides in front of the high post. Player 5 slides over a couple steps at first to cover the player on the low block.

    The transition to the next diagram should only take a split second.

    As soon as Player 1 recovers to guard the wing, he or she will push Player 4 down. Player 4 will slide down to cover the player in the short corner. Player 5 can step up towards the middle of the lane to guard the player in the high post if he receives the ball.

    Player 2 has two options:

    - If the player in the high post is hurting you, he'll probably want to sink down and deny the entry into the high post. He'll want to stay on the top half of the player, so he can still rotate to cover the ball at the top of the key.

    - If the opposing team is hurting you from the 3-point arc or the opposing player in the high post is not a threat, you can have Player 2 cheat towards the top of the key. Generally, this will also enable him to create a few more turnovers during the game.

  • Pass to the Corner:

    Player 4 guards the corner. Player 1 takes a couple of steps inside the 3-point line, but he should still be within reach to defend the shot on the wing.

  • Entry into High Post from the Top of the Key:

    Player 5 steps up to guard the ball. Player 4 takes away the player on the block.

    If you have trouble getting your players to pinch towards the player on the block, you can set a rule: Every time the ball is entered in the high post, Players 3 & 4 pinch no matter what. We've had to do this with our high school squads.

    Players 1 & 2 have their hands up to defend the pass back out to the wings, but need to be ready to swipe at the ball if the player in the high post decides to dribble.

  • Entry into the High Post from the Wing:

    Player 5 steps up to guard the ball. Player 4 pinches to deny the pass to the low block. Player 1 steps back into the lane a couple steps.

  • Entry Pass into the Short Corner:

    Player 4 & Player 5 immediately trap the ball. Player 1 denies the pass back out to the wing. Player 3 rotates to deny the ball to the player in the high post. Player 2 plays center field trying to steal a pass thrown to either player.

  • Skip Pass - Top of the Key to the Corner:

    Here's the proper rotation if a skip pass is thrown from the top of the key to the corner:

  • Skip Pass - Wing to Wing:

    Here's the proper rotation if a skip pass is thrown from wing to wing:

    Player 3 takes away the outside shot until Player 2 rotates over to guard the ball. Player 3 waits until Player 2 nudges him back down. Player 1 rotates over to the opposite side.

  • Trap the Top of the Key:

    You can have your top two players trap the ball the second the ball is dribbled past half-court. Players 3 & 4 need to deny the pass to the wing and Player 5 needs to deny the pass to free throw line. If the players can't deny the wings in time, the trap will fail and the offense will get an easy bucket.

    This is generally used only once or twice a game to surprise the offense.

  • Trap the Wing:

    Players 1 & 4 trap the wing on the pass. Player 5 rotates over to deny the pass to the block. Player 3 rotates over to deny the pass in the high post and Player 2 denies the return pass to the top of the key.

  • Trap the Corner:

    Players 1 & 4 trap the corner. Player 2 slides over to take away the return pass to the wing. Player 5 fronts the post to deny the pass. Player 3 plays center field and tries to steal a pass to the wing or the top of the key.

    If a player slides into the high post, Player 3 denies that pass.

Helpful Zone Defense Resources

If you'd like to dig deeper and get more information about developing an effective zone defense, we highly recommend Al Marshall's Zone Defense. In our opinion, he runs one of the best zone defenses in the country and it gives you the most thorough explanation of zone defense we have seen.

Zone Defense Concepts & Tips

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Pat says:
11/3/2014 at 11:38:17 PM

It is really disturbing to hear all of these youth coaches talk about the 'benefits' of playing a zone defense. I have coached 13-14 year old girls basketball for 12 years. It is sad to see coaches trying to do nothing more than win now by playing zones. The kids are being taught nothing about the fundamentals of playing good defense. One way to beat a zone defense is by good outside shooting, well there isn't much outside shooting at these ages. It is imperative to teach kids to play good m2m defense. And as far as teaching good spacing by playing zone D, I've never heard of teaching spacing on defense. As most have stated here, I have no problem with zone D in high school, but in junior high and earlier, there is no place for it if you are really trying to teach good fundamentals.

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kitsi avila says:
5/21/2008 at 3:40:09 AM

thanks... i like it..im going to apply this to my team


kamel khedhir says:
5/28/2008 at 4:51:25 PM

merci beaucoup de votre et de votre efforts aide


7/22/2008 at 12:31:15 PM

La defensiva 2-3 es muy util cuando tenemos equipos combativos y con varios elementos de buena saltabiidad y fácilidad para desplazarse, su unica debilidad se encuentra ironicamente en el centro, a la altura del tiro libre donde se puede colocar un poste y trabajar facilmente con ventajas , si el es buen tirador cuidado por que se pierde el juego, o si sabe dividir aun es mas peligroso, pero siempre voy con el consejo de primero la defensa de hombre a hombre, es un muy buen articulo aplicandolo con cuidado y no solo por copiar una defensa.


Joe Haefner says:
7/22/2008 at 1:32:24 PM

Translation to English from dictionary.com :)

Defensive 2-3 is very useful when we have fighting equipment and with several elements of good saltabiidad and fÃcilidad to move, its only weakness ironically is in center, around the free shot where it is possible to be placed a post and to be worked easily with advantages, if it is good well-taken care of gunner so that the game is lost, or if it knows to even divide is but dangerous, but always I go with the advice of the first defense of man to man, is a very good article applying it with well-taken care of and not only copying a defense


coach nice says:
10/24/2008 at 1:19:44 AM

useful "d" for new teams


player# 40 says:
12/21/2008 at 10:18:33 AM

this helps. my coach runs this and 2 3 defence but ther are times when i have no clue what to do when they get into somthing like Entry into the High Post from the Wing


Jasbarr2574 says:
1/5/2009 at 2:19:52 PM

the youth team i coach is blessed with good size from the point and 4 and 5 positions. I don't like running zones unless we get in a situation were we are just out quicked. With this in mind I'm going to teach one zone formation for the first time to my team which zone do you think I should concentrate on.


kitsi says:
1/5/2009 at 6:33:31 PM

last season we wer close to winning back to back championship, the only prob is they have a very dominant center. ave 36 pts and 15 rebs a game. 12-14yrs old category. and normally he gets half the team points. my tallest player is 5inches smaller, what defense is best to use against him? zone or man, i tried both, still he is unstoppable.maybe i need to improve my team's one on one defense and help side/double team.what do you think?


Joe Haefner says:
1/6/2009 at 7:37:16 AM

Hi Jasbarr,

For youth coaches, I highly advise to teach to man to man defense. Teaching zone at a young age can teach bad habits, because they'll be able to get away with things at the youth level that they will not be able to get away with at the varsity level.


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