Why Standard Youth Basketballs Are Too Heavy and Result in Bad Shooting Habits

Have you put much thought into the size of the basketballs that you use? How much they weigh? And how they affect your players and their development?

I have. I even have a kitchen scale to determine exactly how much each basketball weighs and how it affects players' shooting. I'm going to share what I found to hopefully save you some time and frustration.

In the picture below, you'll see a full size 29.5 inch men's basketball on the left. This basketball weighs 22 ounces. On the far right you'll see a mini ball that weighs only 10 ounces. This is the basketball my son used as a 3, 4, and 5 year old.

Men's Basketball Women's Ball Youth Ball Size 4 Another Size 4 Mini Ball
22 ounces 20 ounces 17 ounces 14 ounces 11 ounces 10 ounces

According to online research and my digital kitchen scale, you can see the weight of each ball in the chart above. There is a huge difference between the 22 ounce men's ball and the 10 ounce mini ball!!

When my son was 5 years old and about 40 lbs. He tried out the third ball from the right (14 ounce Mikasa ball). He could shoot that 14 ounce ball at a 7 ft basket from approx 6-7 feet away with decent form.

When he went any further past 6 or so feet, used a heavier ball, or a higher basket.... one of two things happened....

1) He shot the ball short and couldn't get the ball there.

2) Or his shooting technique went to hell in order to get the ball to the basket.

Self Discovery is a Better Way to Learn

Now, I didn't teach my son how to shoot. He figured it out on his own. I just have him use a really light and small basketball and a little plastic hoop in the basement.

Through experimenting, self discovery, and observation.... he figured out how to shoot with good technique all by himself. I just made sure he didn't shoot with too big of a ball, too far back, or with too high of a hoop.

He was actually a pretty good shooter from about 7 feet... Shot about 65%. Decent form. Nice knee bend. Good rotation. Nice follow through. It is surprising to me but true.

His older sister (7 years old at the time) on the other had has less interest (didn't shoot for fun like he doid) and had't developed good form on her own. It wasn't terrible form but it looked nothing like her younger brother and not nearly as accurate.

The purpose of this article is not to tell you about my kids. But to get you thinking about the size of basketballs that you use and how your kids are learning.

Are you using basketballs that are too heavy? Are you giving kids an opportunity for self discovery?

I see lots of 5 to 10 year old kids shooting at high baskets. And I even see 5 and 6 year olds with youth/junior balls -- and those are still way too heavy.

I am a full grown man (6ft, 200lbs) and can barely shoot a men's basketball from 23 ft with good form. If you think about it, my release point is about 4 feet higher than my sons at the time (because I am so much taller). And I weighed 150 lbs more than him. So to expect him at 5 years old to be able to shoot a 17 ounce youth basketball at a high hoop with good form seems unrealistic.

So we try to get kids using basketballs and hoops appropriate to their age and size. My son started using the 14 ounce ball at age 5 and he actually went back to the 11 ounce ball. When he was 4 years old, he never used anything heavier than 10 ounces. When he was 3 years old, he mostly used nerf balls.

When my daughter was in the 2nd grade, we used 14 ounce Mikasa ball on the right.

For the money, it worked great. They are only $13. We ordered 10 for one of our teams.

I liked the 14 ounce ball because it's bigger than the mini (good for dribbling) yet still fairly light for shooting.

When I looked in local sporting goods and big box stores, I could not find the 14 ounce or 11 ounce basketballs above. So I ordered them online.

I also ordered this 11 ounce Markwort ball for my son. It's bigger than a mini but almost just as light. The ball works fine -- but one of them we ordered got a little bubble. Not the greatest quality. But for only $12 I didn't mind and it was the perfect size for my son.

The 14 ounce Mikasa seemed to be a little better quality. We used them with our 2nd grade team and they worked well.

Size Comparison

Here are a few pictures so you can see the size differences...

11 Ounce Next to a Full Size Men's Ball 22 ounces

14 Ounce Next to Full Size


Based on my experience, here are some suggestions on what size ball you should use...

Age (Years) Weight of Ball (Ounces)
0 - 3 6 or less
4 10 or less
5 11-12
6 12-14
7-10 14-17
11-13 17-20

Of course this chart is not perfect because every kid matures at a different rate and it depends on the gender of the player. But these are some general guidelines to consider.

If you're not sure the weight of a ball, use a kitchen scale. That's what I did.

Before going with the norm, consider the weight of the ball your players use and how kids learn. Sometimes just putting them in the right environment and allowing self discovery is a better way to learn. In fact, when ever possible, this is a better way to learn. This won't work in all situations. But when possible, it's something I think you should consider.

Related Pages and Helpful Resources:

The Youth Coaching System with Jim Huber
Coaching Youth Basketball - Drills, Offense, Tips, Etc.
Youth Basketball Shooting: 3 Things Youth Coaches & Players Need to Adjust

What do you think? Let us know by leaving your comments, suggestions, and questions...


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Coach Kip says:
11/14/2012 at 8:16:10 PM

I coach an under 11 boys team and we use size 5 balls.


Ken says:
11/15/2012 at 8:25:26 AM

Great article Jeff -

Now, If we can only get youth leagues to do this and use lower baskets the kids would have more fun and see a lot more success.

  1 reply  

Karlie G. says:
5/11/2016 at 12:51:37 PM

Ken, I do not agree with your statement. You should not lower the net for more success. You also can't control their fun. They can make up their mind if they think it's fun and if they want to do it. Basketball is a fun sport, i love it, but not everyone likes it and thinks it's fun. Lowering the net defeats the purpose of them learning, the net is not always going to be that low, in fact it probably will only get higher. They need to work with the nets height, that makes them better, and perpares them for the future, if they decide to keep playing.

  1 reply  

Wil Moore III says:
6/9/2016 at 2:21:08 PM

I agree with Ken and actually, we are starting to see this happen in certain leagues.

It is more important for youth players to get into good habits early which is near impossible to do for most youth players when they are playing with balls that are too big and heavy and baskets that are too high.


Barry says:
11/15/2012 at 9:38:14 AM

Great comments, for a person who is trying to develop youth to have (and keep) an interest in basketball. Thoughts are the same, lower the hoop ( to about 4' above height) and smaller basketball use. Thanks.


Lonnie Howard says:
11/15/2012 at 10:30:50 AM

When I first read about using lighter balls (and lower baskets) on this website several years ago, I loved the idea. I use the same philosophy with baseball bats to help my players hit better. I even like it with footballs to help my son throw better (he's a QB/TB-type player). But, what do you do when the local YMCA, recreational leagues, basketball camps, and AAU teams all use the men-sized basketballs?! I've thought about using smaller basketballs with my son at home and even in practice with the teams I coach, but I've always been concerned that when they have to use the bigger balls in games, it will make them dribble and shoot worse.


Ken says:
11/15/2012 at 10:34:03 AM

How old is your son?


Josh West says:
11/15/2012 at 11:34:06 AM

the balls we use are listed by circumference, i believe, 28.5". for our 5th and 6th graders-- 10-12 years old. what weight should these be? thanks.


Jeff Haefner says:
11/15/2012 at 12:22:06 PM

Lonnie - For my daughters 2nd grade team we started our own league. I emailed local high school coaches to find out who coached other 2nd or 3rd grade girls teams. Then I asked those coaches to come play us 3on3. We play 3on3 only, use the 14 Mikasa balls, and lower baskets to around 7ft. We also either get two games of 3on3 going at once or we play back to back games... so only one or two girls sit out at a time.

Keep in mind I use the word "team" loosely. It's more like a club. We get together to practice skill, play fun activities, work on balance, fundamental movement skills, coordination, and athleticism (while having fun). Then we are playing 6 games against other teams, again for fun.

Josh - The women's Spalding TF-1000 you see in pictures above is 28.5 inches and weighs 20 ounces. I would guess most 28.5 inch balls weigh around the same.


Rich Williams says:
11/16/2012 at 10:56:12 PM

I bought the Spaulding "Rookie Gear" Composite 27.5" ball for 2 grade clinic. It is lighter that a standard 27.5" ball and has been very helpful to get her to learn solid form on her one handed shot.


Jukka Manter says:
6/19/2014 at 5:29:08 PM

Yes in Finland we play mini baskets (250cm) for all under 12 years players. Players 8 and under play even lower baskets. Basketballs under 8 should be #3 and under 12 we play #5 basketball. In Finland every player carry their own basketball the practices. 13- 15 years we play #6 and after that boys regular #7 and girls regular #6.
Some coaches still use softer but bouncing basketballs under 8 years practices.

If the child gets afraid of the basketball and feels it is difficult to handle or put to the basket, it is hard to tell him/her that you do leran the way little by little..


Garrett Murphy says:
11/14/2014 at 1:27:26 PM

Here in Arizona, I've found it impossible to find a league that uses an appropriately-sized ball. For ages 10+, all the leagues use a Men's size (29.5", as I recall?) and ages 7-9 use a 27.5 (Women's?). So, I HAVE to use the larger balls.


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