Perspective – Raghava KK: Shake up your story

Here is a nice little video on perspective from Raghava KK via

As coaches, parents, and players, we all get lost in our own perspective because that’s human nature. This video is a great reminder to respect and try to understand other perspectives. And hopefully this is something that we can incorporate into the life lessons that we teach to our teams.

Dale Carnegie says in his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People,

“If, as a result of reading this book, you get only one thing – an increased tendency to think always in terms of the other person’s point of view, and see things from that person’s angle as well as your own – if you get only that one thing from this book, it may easily prove to be one of the stepping-stones of your career and personal life.”

What do you think? What are some ways that you teach perspective to your teams?

4 thoughts on “Perspective – Raghava KK: Shake up your story”

  1. Always good to be aware of different perspectives, but what of the importance of the flip side of the coin — good JUDGMENT? Nowadays in our PC-laden education, our kids are brought up to shy away from using critical thinking skills in judgment (perspectives) for fear of showing bias, predjudice, etc. Yet, without such skills and the idea of a standard of “right” and “wrong” kids end up wallowing in a mire of relativity that leads to alienation and purposelessness. Some of my students hold the “perspective” that drug use is a good thing, that “choosing” a homo/bisexual lifestyle is no more of an issue that choosing a different flavor of gum. Without the temperance of good judgment and a golden rule and standard to base it on, perspectives merely cloud the waters of civilized society.

  2. Great message! I’ve coached multiple sports and various age groups. I have to remind myself all the time about the developmental norms and variances within each age group. It is a challenge, but a welcome one, to adjust ADULT intensity and expectations, my own and parent’s, while coaching YOUTH sports. It’s ok to work ’em, but work ’em well and appropriately. Make great memories for everyone! Thank you.

  3. It is true that we all have our own biases or perceptions. If we always blindly stick to that one way of looking at things we will definately stifle our growth and advancement because we could be wrong. If we always see things strictly according to our own perspective we will miss the huge benefit that comes from working together as a team. This is an important lesson for all societies.

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