Basketball Play: UNI Set Play


I got this basketball play from watching the University of Northern Iowa when coach Greg McDermott used to coach there. This is by far one of my favorite set plays out of a box set. It involves two ball screens, a back screen, and a screen the screener that opens up a 3-point shot.


Player 1 should be an excellent ball handler with the ability to drive. Player 2 should be a good shooter. Player 3 should also be a good shooter. Players 4 & 5 should be your post players.


uni diagram 1
  1. Player 1 dribbles to the left wing and switches directions with the dribble. As soon as Player 1 comes to the wing, Player 4 should step out to the 3-point line to set the screen and Player 3 will pop out to the wing.
  2. Player 5 will follow almost instantly to set a second screen for Player 1 near the top of the key.

*Timing is crucial here. You don't want Player 5 to come out too early or too late. It will take practice to get the timing down.

uni diagram 2
  1. As Player 1 dribbles around the second screen set by Player 5, Player 2 sets a back screen for Player 4.
  2. After dribbling around the second screen, Player 1 will have a split second where he can attack the hoop. He will want to utilize a hesitation dribble here. If nothing is open, it's very important not force it.
uni diagram 3
  1. As soon as Player 4 clears the screen set by Player 2, Player 5 sets a down screen for Player 2. Player 2 will flash to the top of the key for an open 3-point shot.
  2. If Player 4 is open flashing across the lane, Player 1 will throw the pass. If that's not open, the second option is to pass the ball to Player 2 at the top of the key.
  1. If neither one of the first two options are open, Player 5 may be open flashing to the ball after Player 2 has cleared the screen.
  2. If defensive player guarding Player 3 cheats in to the lane to help, Player 3 may be open for the skip pass.

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Darrell Jimson says:
6/27/2007 at 10:27:20 AM

Everything looks good except the last optional pass from player 1 cross court to player 3. looks a bit risky. I will try thos play except the optional pass. Thanks!


Wim Cluytens says:
6/27/2007 at 11:02:32 AM

Nice play
I give it a try with my team without a real 5-player


leland johnson says:
6/27/2007 at 12:06:58 PM

i like it theres constant movement between the teamates except for the three man but i like it ill try it and let you know


richard says:
6/27/2007 at 1:02:38 PM

this is great. I would be glad to receive this kind of insight more often.
Keep the good work.


David says:
6/27/2007 at 1:09:50 PM

I thought this play was excellent.


Coach Kraze says:
6/27/2007 at 4:31:36 PM

I love this play. I'm on my way to practice now and i'm gonna give it a try, although I agree with Darrel Jimson that the cross court pass does look a bit risky, but you haven't lead me wrong so far so i'm gonna do it the way it's drawn up...Thanks!


Joe Haefner says:
6/27/2007 at 4:42:23 PM

Hey Coach Kraze & Mr. Jimson,

I understand your concern with the cross court pass. I should've mentioned above that this is not the type of pass you want young basketball players to be throwing. Usually around ages 13 to 15 is when kids are strong enough to be effective when throwing that kind of pass.

You only want to throw this pass when the player guarding Player 3 is cheating way over to help out on defense. Otherwise, the pass is VERY risky.


Sam Bhatt says:
6/28/2007 at 12:57:26 AM

Looks like a great play to run with HighSchool kids, however I coach a youth basketball team with 10 and 11 year olds, it's real difficult to run this with them. Unfortunately it's a bit too complicated, if you do have any alternatives to this play which is a bit easier to run please do let me know, (


David Boggs says:
6/28/2007 at 9:52:23 AM

I like all of the movement. I coach middle school girls. I feel comfortable with them doing everything except the skip pass to 3 in the corner.


coach clarke says:
6/28/2007 at 12:46:42 PM

I do agree with all the comments made.
I think to add more movement for the 3 is to have 4 set a back screen for the same shot on the opposite 3point line. This remves the risk of the skip pass.However timing is important like you mentioned in your tips.


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